Cryotek Eng Srl

Cryotek Eng Srl
Hall & Stand Number
Via Cilea, 36 - 20093 Cologno Monzese IT
0039 0225390721

Company activities

  • 301 - Engineering Sub-Contracting
  • 303 - Project Construction & Project Management
  • 403 - Pipelines, Maintenance & Engineering
  • 707 - Pipeline Networks, Maintenance & Operation
  • 1301 - Agriculture
  • 1302 - Aluminum
  • 1304 - Fertilizers & Chemicals
  • 1305 - Industrial / Heavy Industry
  • 1306 - Manufacturing
  • 1308 - Petrochemicals
  • 1504 - Offshore Engineering & Design Services
  • 1614 - Marine Equipment & Services
  • 1615 - Piping
  • 1620 - Production and Operations
  • 1623 - Tubes
  • 1626 - Valves & Actuators
  • 1627 - Vessels / Tanks
  • 1632 - Steel
  • 1634 - Components
  • 2002 - Consultancy Services

Company Profile & Activities

A sound company with a 40-year presence on the market, not only distinguished by the recognitions it was awarded, but by its competence and efficiency as well. All through these years Cryotek Eng has boasted all the reliability that allowed supplying plants, equipment and components with a high-technological profile which operation, also thanks to its technicians’ expertise, has never caused accidents.

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