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Conference > Opening Plenary Session
Opening Plenary Session
Wednesday 20th March
09.30 Inauguration of the Exhibition
10.00 Opening Ceremony - Welcome Addresses by
Innocenzo Titone, Chairman OMC 2013
Fabrizio Matteucci, Mayor of Ravenna
Gianfranco Bessi, Chairman Ravenna Chamber of Commerce
Charting a Course in a Changing Sea
A time of critical events and new energy resources urges the charting of new strategies by the oil&gas industry
as well as by the producing and consuming countries
10.00 Opening Ceremony - Welcome Addresses by
Innocenzo Titone, Chairman OMC 2013
Fabrizio Matteucci, Mayor of Ravenna
Gianfranco Bessi, Chairman Ravenna Chamber of Commerce
Charting a Course in a Changing Sea
A time of critical events and new energy resources urges the charting of new strategies by the oil&gas industry
as well as by the producing and consuming countries
Paolo Scaroni, CEO eni, and Chairman of the session
Claudio De Vincenti, Under Secretary, Ministry of Economic Development, Italy
H.E. Osama Kamal, Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Egypt
H.E. Abdulkareem Luaibi, Minister of Oil, Iraq
Hamed Mecheraoui, Advisor to Minister of Energy, Algeria
Abulgasem Zwary, Advisor at NOC, Libya
Mohand Said Malla, Director for Exploration Sonatrach, Algeria
Fituri El Hag, Chairman of Mabrouk, Libya
Bruno Lescoeur, CEO Edison
Jonathan Lewis, Senior Vice President for Europe Sub Saharan Africa, Halliburton
Satish Pai, Executive Vice President Operations, Schlumberger Limited
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