youth programme

10.45-13.00  Company Presentations


Future professionals have the chance to meet leading oil&gas companies, to exchange information and hear about what it’s like to work in the sector. 



10.45 - Presentation by




11.10 - Presentation by



11.35 - Presentation by



12.00 - Presentation by






12.25 - Presentation by



 14.00 - 16.15  SPE Student Contest

MSc and PhD students have been invited to submit an abstract about their research activities

A Technical Committee evaluated the abstracts and  selected the best 3 abstracts in each category.

Mandatory presentation Rules:

  • Duration: Max 15 minutes
  • Software: only PREZI presentations 
  • Language: English
  • Both technical and presentation skills will be evaluated by the Committee. At the end, the Committee will give out three awards:
  • Best pesentation in terms of technical content for MSc category
  • Best presentation in terms of technical content for PhD category
  • Best overall quality presentation

The paper contest not only will focus on the technical quality of the works  but also on presentation skills.

Shortlisted candidates include:


MSc Category

ERIK FELDMAN - Clausthal University of Technology, Germany

Technical review and recommendation on service enveloped and qualification of wellheads in unconventional, geothermal applications

SAADATI POORYA - Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Incorporation of Particle Swarm Algorythm and ROP models to optimize drilling parameters and mitigate drilling operation expenditure in one of the Iranian Offshore oil field

DOMENICO RAVIDA'  - Università di  Ferrara, Italy

Resediments in the Scaglia Formation: sedimentological, stratigraphic and pressure-temperature analysis from subsurface data of the Adriatic Sea.

NICOLO' SCAPIN - Politecnico di Milano, Italy

An Eulerian-Eulerian Approach for Separator Design


PhD Category

JOONAKI EDRIS - Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom

Do We Have Solutions for the Old Problem of Asphaltene Deposition?

FABIO FATIGATI - Università de L'Aquila, Italy

Issues and Improvements of normed sizing method of rapid discharge accumulators

VINCENZO LA BRUNA - Università della Basilicata, Italy

3D Geological Modellining and Structural setting of the Monte Alpi foredeep Basin (Basilicata-Southern Italy)


16.15 - 17.30 -  Workshop  "Intrinsic Motivation: A Business Imperative"

SPE International past President G. Paccaloni will hit key areas of soft skills that are essential for a proper transition from students to professionals.

 17.30 - Award Ceremony


OMC 2017 Youth Programme is organised with the support of