European Union set the objective to reach carbon neutrality by 2050.
The Decarbonization Industrial Pact is an alliance of the cement, steel, foundries, paper, chemical, ceramic and glass industries which are at the core of the Italian industrial landscape and contribute for 20% (Scope-1 and 2) of Italian emissions whilst providing 700’000 jobs and generating 88 b€ GVA.
It is therefore imperative to decarbonize these industries to reach the European union objectives and secure jobs and value creation for generations to come. To support this transition, it is required a collaborative and pragmatic approach to scale the different decarbonization levers based on impact, cost and feasibility. All levers should be applied together, pushing the collaboration along industrial value chains even further, with a strong support from Italian and European institutions. BCG and the Hard to Abate associations worked on a report that should represent the starting point and the catalyst for this transition, the report includes a roadmap with a set of decarbonization levers which have the potential to reduce emissions up to 40% by 2030 with the required commitment from the different stakeholders.
During OMC dinner they will present a teaser of the report that will be officially launched in October