Today, one of the most used words is "unprecedented"

This is because the many effects of the pandemic are of such intensity, diffusion and scale that they are almost an outstanding novelty. The whole range of consequences for the energy sector is yet to be revealed and is difficult to predict, but the energy industry has demonstrated many times its resilience and flexibility against other crisis then unprecedented. This new awareness must push all of us to start immediately to rethink and reshape the world energy industry, together.

New technologies, business innovation and new alliances will be key to start reshape energy, pushing forward gas valorization and carbon neutrality practices while developing clean energy sources as an integrated and synergic process to provide clean and affordable energy in a low-emissions future. To address these challenges, we encourage papers submissions which align with the following main themes:

Give your contribution to these questions, join OMC 2021 Conference by submitting a paper in any of the technical pillars of the next OMC2021 conference:


Rising complexity, costs and risks combine to make efficiency more important than ever. Change is challenging, excellence is  mandatory.
Building today an inclusive, greener and long lasting future through effective, safe and sustainable solutions 
Innovation is the key for developing tomorrow’s energy mix and creating long term value
Acting together for an effective net zero carbon footprint while ensuring access to affordable and modern energy for all


We look forward to receiving high-quality paper submissions that will help shape a sustainable future for the energy industry and encourage you to contribute to our technical program across a wide variety of topics you will find in the next pages.

I look forward to meeting you all in Ravenna next September.

Best Regards,


Edoardo Dellarole

Chair OMC 2021 Programme Committee 

Eni - Research & Technological Innovation
Head of Electrification 


Follow OMC Chairman of the Programme Committee on Linkedin


Meet The Omc Chair

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Programme Committee

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Author's Area

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Poster Sessions

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Youth Programme

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Conference Registration

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Visa Request

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Evaluation Area

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Call For Papers

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Conference Agenda

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Call For Papers Instructions For Authors

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Technical And Poster Sessions

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