Dear Industry Colleagues, 
Creating long term value, embracing the energy transition as an opportunity to grow while facing the current downturn related to the pandemic effects and the collapse in oil prices, are the major challenges of the entire global energy sector.
Not surprisingly in recent years the oil & gas has made a significant step towards a low carbon energy mix, massively investing in technologies to adapt to energy transition, as well as adopting strategies and new business models that aim at combining economic with environmental and social sustainability.
Innovation will be key to start re-positioning energy, pushing forward carbon neutrality and gas valorization practices while developing clean energy sources as a whole process to deliver solutions for a sustainable low-emissions future.
The entire energy supply chain will be called upon in the years in cooperating to provide answers to the pressing climate change and environment challenges, working together and creating synergies to provide new technologies and new processes for these common goals.
I am delighted to announce that OMC 2021 will be taking a key role in the Mediterranean region and beyond in connecting and assessing the role that clean energies, natural gas and renewables can play in collaboration with the oil and gas industry of the future.
We will focus on Rethinking Energy together: alliances for a sustainable energy future. We need to find ways to ensure diverse energy related stakeholders come together around aligned goals and co-operate for a sustainable development of the planet and the communities.
We are aware it is an ambitious project, however providing a wider perspective and facilitating dialogue on the complexity of energy issues are the major goals we will pursue with new enthusiasm for the next OMC 2021.
I look forward to meeting you all in Ravenna Next September.
Best Regards,
Monica Spada
Chair OMC 2021
Eni Energy Evolution, Green Traditional Refinery & Marketing
Head of Oil and Products Portfolio Optimization & Supply
Short Bio
University degree in civil engineering at Roma Tre University, MBA at Scuola Mattei, Enicorporate University. She has been working for Eni since July 2008, in different position and activities in Eni Refining & Marketing. In September 2014 she started working in the office of the CEO. In 2018 she became VP of Long Term Positioning Initiatives. In 2019 she became SVP of Bio-development, Sustainable Mobility and Circular Economy. In September 2020 she took on the position as Oil and Products Portfolio Optimization & Supply Internal Advisor at Eni Energy Evolution, Green Traditional Refinery & Marketing. From April 2021 Head of Oil and Products Portfolio Optimization & Supply.